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“Do you have the bug out bag packed?” The need to run to Lurie Children’s Hospital bag is what he means. His head was hurting. His fatigue increased throughout the day and his appetite has been very low today. I had him eat a banana and drink some OJ and that helped a little. Then some Domino’s pizza but it didn’t taste good to him so he ate the stuffed cheesey bread! So far so good but now I can’t sit still and I feel the need to pack that bag just in case!! I used to have one packed with a small suitcase in our room at all times. I finally put that damn suitcase back downstairs a few months ago. Never a dull moment!!

from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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“Do you have the bug out bag packed?” The need to run to Lurie Children’s Hospital bag is what he means. His head was hurting. His fatigue increased throughout the day and his appetite has been very low today. I had him eat a banana and drink some OJ and that helped a little. Then some Domino’s pizza but it didn’t taste good to him so he ate the stuffed cheesey bread! So far so good but now I can’t sit still and I feel the need to pack that bag just in case!! I used to have one packed with a small suitcase in our room at all times. I finally put that damn suitcase back downstairs a few months ago. Never a dull moment!!

from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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A year ago today Adler could not move his arms. He could barely move his neck. His independence stripped from him from the cervical spinal biopsy necessary to treat his growing cancer. Today. Today Adler can use his right arm almost fully and his left arm is coming along. His neck his better for sure but unfortunately may require stabilization via surgery due to the tumor growth and the past biopsy surgery. Still keeping an eye on that. But. He’s improved greatly in the past year!! Especially with the help of his amazing therapist’s Mandy and Kelley!!!! He’s overcome some huge hurdles that to most would seem trivial like getting in and out of bed alone, getting in and out of the car, washing his own hands, feeding himself, dressing himself, going to the bathroom alone, brushing his hair and teeth (that toothpaste is a bitch with only one hand that works good!) And we can’t forget playing with his action figures and playing video games again!!!!!! We’re still working on that shower but it will happen!!!! I have watched him physically grow as well as mentally. His patience and maturity level are higher than most adults, hell most humans altogether!!! He’s looked fear in the face when he wanted to give up and he didn’t. His perseverance and bravery are astounding and his determination and valor are of superhero status. He’s a badass and I am amazed by him constantly. Cancer has kicked his ass but he’s taken every punch and come back with a three hit combo!!!! He is what I have always said throughout this journey, Bold As Love!!!! 💙🌈⚓🅰️

from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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