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He watching a guy walk across Norway on YouTube. He’s nauseous. He was nauseous last night too. The last two nights his pain has seemed to be worse as well. He’s uncomfortable today too. I have text his local doc and if I feel it’s necessary I will contact Chicago too. But. While we are in this waiting period, it’s hard. Harder than when on treatment because at least then there is more of a why to it all. We were supposed to meet friends for ice cream but that’s not happening now. And tomorrow is lake time with the family and he doesn’t want to miss that. It. Just. Sucks. No other way to put it. This picture says so much and with words I could describe it all but sometimes, sometimes, I don’t want to. I live it and witness it and share it but today, today it just stings too much to do that. So. I’ll keep sorting the weeks of behind laundry preparing for the month away while he sits in the living room with Happy Tummy essential oil blend made for him in his diffuser watching YouTube quietly. I’ll check on him too much and my worry will hang out with me and my laundry. Happy fucking Friday.

from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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He watching a guy walk across Norway on YouTube. He’s nauseous. He was nauseous last night too. The last two nights his pain has seemed to be worse as well. He’s uncomfortable today too. I have text his local doc and if I feel it’s necessary I will contact Chicago too. But. While we are in this waiting period, it’s hard. Harder than when on treatment because at least then there is more of a why to it all. We were supposed to meet friends for ice cream but that’s not happening now. And tomorrow is lake time with the family and he doesn’t want to miss that. It. Just. Sucks. No other way to put it. This picture says so much and with words I could describe it all but sometimes, sometimes, I don’t want to. I live it and witness it and share it but today, today it just stings too much to do that. So. I’ll keep sorting the weeks of behind laundry preparing for the month away while he sits in the living room with Happy Tummy essential oil blend made for him in his diffuser watching YouTube quietly. I’ll check on him too much and my worry will hang out with me and my laundry. Happy fucking Friday.

from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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Adler and I had a very serious conversation this past week about some pretty deep stuff. Depression. Anxiety. Cancer. Life and death. Giving up and giving in. Acceptance and lack there of. Anger and fear. Solace and safety. The no normal of it all but the normal that WE are. The grim and grueling sides of living with that cancer we talked about. It was unbelievably emotional. Heartbreaking and heart wrenching but necessary. It’s hard to discuss letting the sunshine in when you’re so used to living in the dark. So. Some light did come in with friends. His bff’s that he’s known since preschool. They have always been in his life and I hope they always will be. But for now a nacho bar, a sleepover and more fun the next day took over even in the soggiest of times. And it was more perfect timing than ever because D Day came and went. His diagnosis day. 7 years officially on June 25th. I mean if you want to get technical it could be the 24th, 25th or the 26th. Proper terminology and the conversation of it all rolled around all three of those days in 2014. Along with a treatment plan and the beginning of the journey we now call the cancer life. And today came the holy shit we will be in Orlando in less than 2 weeks for our relocation portion of this journey. And just in case I will remind those that don’t get it yet…’s NOT a vacation. Not at all. It will be hard work for Adler. 5 days a week for 4 weeks. And the talk Aaron and I had this morning kinda set it all up. Not sure what to expect but it’s all part of it. Part of it for us. No summer vacation. No summer camp. No sports. But instead…….. Pain management program here we come in 2 weeks!!! None the less. This fun was much needed and we are happy we had it!!! Amy Wiborn Kyle Wiborn ❤💖💓💕

from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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