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Welp. If all goes as planned with the insurance approval, we will be back down here for Adler to begin the pain management program July 12th!!!!! We are all relieved and ready for him to begin. It’s 5 days a week without missing as attendance is mandatory. (Unless he’s actually ill!!) It’s all day with a lunch break. It’s like pain management school. The success rate of the program is fantastic and we love his doc. She’s super nice, confident and very sensitiveand understanding. She was sad to see us back but excited to work with Adler. She feels like this is a better time for him to be here as he’s older and in a better place in his life to be a part of this process. We like the pain psychologist and both the physical and occupational therapists as well. They seem to have a very good plan tailored to Adler specifically and targeting his specific pain. It will be tough but he can do it. And so can we. We’ll be with him every step of the way. Physically, mentally and financially it will be difficult but hey, we’re used to that! So. Positive news. We’ll take it!!!!! We are so ready for him to be more comfortable living with cancer!!!!!! 🅰️💙⚓🌈🌞

from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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Mom here…… What a couple of days. I may have forced that smile a little bit. It doesn’t feel like Florida yet…..idk why but it doesn’t??? Maybe because we were just here in April?? Maybe because we drove?? Maybe because it feels more like home in a way?? Maybe because it’s not Disney but damn it’s still nice!!!! But mostly because it’s not a vacation. It’s for a pain management program evaluation for Adler. Round 2. We did this in 2019. But we worked a vacation around that one. This time it’s different because we just had one. It’s hard to explain other than there’s a couple ways to look at it. We are in such a limbo. One that I have discussed with others either battling cancer or other parents of children with cancer. Either you’re in treatment or in remission or cancer takes you. And here we are. In this weird living with cancer part. A part that doesn’t get much attention or assistance. And because it’s inoperable that’s what he has to do. Live with it. And then things like quality of life are talked about. And during said time he’s in pain. Suffering and suffering while we wait for the tumors to grow since he’s not in treatment. Again with the quality of life part. Thankful for it for sure. But none the less it’s a tough spot to be in especially for Adler. So. That’s why we are here. In Orlando Florida for pain management. Fucking hell. I sure will try to see and appreciate the good in it all but man oh man am I tired. Maybe after the 4 back to back appointments tomorrow I can try to bright side it all up and feel that Florida vibe because it sure is nice here. ☀️☀️☀️☀️

from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

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