from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear
He is better now but a headache means big worries until the better part. He woke with it just before 6am. I gave him meds and got the bowls and ice packs. Classic Adler headache routine! He ended up just drifting off to sleep where he stayed asleep for over an hour. I sat quietly in the darkened room with him trying not to sniff or sneeze loudly as he so lovingly shared his sniffles with me that he had last week. Lots of crud going around. Who knew you could still get just a cold and just a headache and it’s NOT Covid??!! Pandemic/chronic migraine/brain cancer/hydrocephalus humor!!! But. Thankfully the headache is not as bad and the nausea is better too. Nothing makes me happier than that first drink and first snack of like a banana or crackers when he’s finally ready for it!!! Never a dull moment around here. 💙💙💙
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