from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

I wrote this 6 years ago. I read it and I am crying. He’s so amazing still. Still. Thankfully, still. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 My friend Carrie took this picture of Adler at school during lunch. She works at the school. I sometimes have to take a moment and look at him and through all of the PAIN and disease and really look at him and remember that I made him. He grew inside of me. He was made out of love and is being raised in love as well. For those that don’t know I wasn’t supposed to have a baby because of my heart but we wanted just one and look at him!!! This is Adler Bear Carris, our son! The boy who has a great laugh, an electric and contagious personality and who is one cool cat. He wants to go to Paris with me to sit on Jim Morrison’s grave and then to London to see anything David Bowie when he is 18. He wants to be Picachu from Pokemon for Halloween and loves bright colors and dreams about walking on the beach and loves superheroes. He also wants hair like Jimi Hendrix and has a pretend band called Hot Molly. He has imaginary friends but now real ones too at school. He loves his bed and sleeps with about 20 animals every night. He loves video games and wants to be a dancer, singer, artist or doctor when he grows up. And I don’t care as long as he does get to grow up!!! He loves puppies and kitties and babies of all kinds. He loves the moon and the sun alike and to be pushed on the swings. Uno is his new favorite thing and he he has probably 10-15 lava lamps!! He has better grammar than most adults I know and he adores poetry. He loves to eat green olives with a fancy tooth pic and calls me his best friend in life. He loves incense and hippie soap and he doesn’t like to wear pants!! He just loves so much stuff. He loves life and we love him for that. So, he is sooo much more than a kid with cancer, hydrocephalus and adrenal insufficiency and chronic pain……he is a little boy with a big heart, smart mind and flowing spirit. Bold As Love!!!

from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

Stable scans. We will be back in 4 months for another MRI. That’s Christmas time! It is beautiful in the city for sure that time of year. She explained more about the possibility of growth happening and how they are coming up with new protocols on when to step in with treatment and such and how we will just continue to watch it for now. But. Adler did test positive for ankylosing spondylitis. It’s an inflammatory arthritis that typically causes issues with the back and large joints. This could account for some of his pain. He will need to see a rheumatologist but his oncologist wants to consult with her colleagues about it. We did the test because Aaron and others in his family have it and our amazing local doctor suggested we test Adler suspecting it could be a culprit to his pain. Now. We will wait and see what all the other docs have to say. I want his pain doc in Orlando to know about it as well. Like his oncologist said “We can’t blame the tumor for everything now can we??” Cancer humor!! We also have a 6 month check up in Orlando which is February. Maybe. Just maybe one day I will get to unpack our life???? Back home for now. One day at a time and appreciating them all!!!!!!

from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear

All. Done. He was in the tube for 1 hour and 50 minutes. Breezed through it. He watched Frankenwienie and part of Aladdin. I read a book seated by his feet as usual so I could touch him every so often. The IV and prep time took just about as long. It’s now storming in the city and we hope we can order some food for delivery for dinner. Tomorrow is his oncology check up and results of his MRI. Oh and he’s 5’6″ and a half per the measurement today!! I had a lot of emotions as I sat there and looked at his long body on that table that goes in and out of the MRI. Remembering how little he was when this journey began. How we had to wait at that yellow line and watch his tiny hands holding his stuffed animals while the child life specialist held the others and he walked in alone with nurses, not me. He would have to ve sedated but at age 7 he decided he didn’t want to anymore. So. Awake it is. Brave is an understatement for Adler. He’s a damn hero. A cancer warrior badass!!!

from Life with our little Super Hero Adler Bear